One of our priorities as Jesus Shaped People is ‘Team Building’. There are many teams that sustain the life of the church at St Cuthbert’s. If you’d like to know more, please use the contact form or speak to someone on a Sunday. The Parochial Church Council, or PCC, is the main leadership team of the church and exists for ‘promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church’

Our Core Ministry Teams are

Children, Youth & Families Team

Ministering to those between 0-18 as well as their families

Worship & Discipleship Team

Taking a lead on services and the nurturing of faith

Local Outreach Team

Reaching out to our own parish, community and social networks

Mission Partners Team

Connecting with other mission groups locally and globally

Pastoral Team

Caring for and visiting those in the church

Property Team

Looking after the church building

Finance Team

Looking after the accounting and budgeting aspects of the church

Infrastructure Team

Supporting the audio-visual, electronic and online systems

There are also many other ‘teams’ that make things happen in the life of the church:

  • Coffee & Tea

    Prepare tea, coffee and squash in the Northumbria Hall after the 9:00am and 10:30am Sunday meeting

  • Music Group

    Help in providing and leading worship through music

  • Welcomers

    Assist the church wardens before, during and after meetings

  • Helping with children’s activities

    Lead or assist with the different age groups

  • Hospitality

    Cooking and coordinating food at St. Cuthberts

Want to get involved?

If you would like to be involved of any of these aspects of church life, then please get in touch with Mark.

Contact Us